

Steak and Avocado Salad

  So I was looking through some recipes of what I should make tonight and there was one for a steak and avocado salad, of course, the one I found had a bunch of stuff I couldn’t eat so I changed it up a bit. I used a few of my Wildtree spices and marinated…


Hash Brown Casserole

As usual I waited till the last min to figure out what to make for dinner, my daughter asked for a casserole. Yes, I thought it was odd too but hey I went with it and then scoured the freezer to see what I could come up with. Turkey, hash browns, mixed veggies, bingo!!


Meatballs with Zesty Mustard Sauce – Gluten Free

So I  was scrounging around the kitchen for something to make for dinner when I found some frozen turkey meatballs that I had made a few weeks ago (recipe here). I also just received my shipment of new items from Wildtree so I decided to make some meatballs with zesty mustard sauce. It was super…


Our family camping trip to Myrtle Beach

Ah summer vacation trips, so fun but so exhausting. As I write this we are in the car on our way back home after spending a week camping in Myrtle Beach. This will be a 14 hour car ride, my husband decided we were driving all the way through home and he doesn’t stop unless…


Taco Pie Easy Dinner

Sometimes there just isn’t enough time to make things the right way and you have cheat a little. Tonight I made a Taco Pie, even with a few short cuts it was a deliciously easy dinner. By cheating I mean I didn’t create the crust, I used Pilsbury’s Gluten Free dough. I took the dough…


Easy Coconut Oil Chocolate Treats

So I had such a sweet tooth one night and up pops these cute little chocolates in my Facebook feed. Of course, the ones I saw were made with dairy and a few other items I’m not supposed to have so I did a little searching and altered a recipe to make these cute little…


Camping Taco Bake with Dutch Oven

You may have noticed I haven’t been posting as often as usual and well that’s because It’s officially camping season! We have been spending a few weekends camping with friends and family. I’m always looking for new recipes to make while camping and I came across a bunch of recipes using a dutch oven. I…


Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free Brownie Mousse Treat

I’ve been craving for something sweet for a while now. After poking through the cabinet I found a few mixes that I had on hand, a brownie and a moose mix. I thought I could put them together and make some easy Chocolate Mousse Brownies. I started with a Brownie mix from King Arthur for the base. The box…


Quick and Easy Basil Pasta Lunch

I work from home so I do have the luxury of making pretty much anything for lunch. The only thing is, I only have so many hours that the kids are at school so I am always looking for something quick and easy that allows me to work more while they are out of the house. Here…


Gluten and Allergen Free Expo Swag Bag Giveaway!

As promised I picked up a few things for you guys! Enter below to get everything pictured below, including the reusable bags! This pack includes full-size products, samples, coupons, and reusable bags! Check out the reviews from the Expo – part 1 part 2 Red Apple Lipstick a Rafflecopter giveaway


Gluten and Allergen Free Expo recap – Red Apple Lipstick

Not sure how this one slipped through getting into part 1 or part 2 of my Gluten and Allergen Free Expo recap, it’s one of my favorites 🙂 A few years ago I made the move to a healthier/cleaner diet and now my focus has been to use better beauty products. I’ve seen Red Apple Lipstick…


Gluten and Allergen Free Expo recap – part 2

Gluten and Allergen Free Expo, part 2… click here to read part 1. Spark of the Heart is pictured below, this has to be one of my favorite booths! I got to talk to Cynthia and Thomas and find out how great this company is, not only do they have great healthy soups but their…


Gluten and Allergen Free Expo recap – part 1

Wow what a weekend at the Gluten and Allergen Free Expo, #gfafexpo! I tried so many different new products and spoke to so many companies that I didn’t know about before. It was 2 days of munching and honestly pretty much everything tasted wonderful! The Gluten-Free world has changed so much since I entered into…


Quick Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

So Sunday morning I was looking for a quick Gluten-Free Cinnamon roll recipe, I didn’t want to wait for the yeast to rise. So I stumbled upon this one, of course, it wasn’t gluten-free so I adapted it 🙂 The original recipe can be found here. These were pretty good…the key is to make sure your…


Wine Party Ideas

I was planning a party for my essential oil business and I wanted to have it for my friends/family but I wanted it to be more than just an essential oil party so I themed it Sniff and Sip, and added a wine party aspect to it too. Here are a few of my wine party…