DIY Backyard Chicken Coop Tour!

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So I had my dreams set on one of those Carolina Coops but my budget (and timeline) just weren’t cooperating, so hubby suggested that we convert part of our shed to a coop and then create a run. After the initial shock of that he was onboard with the chicken thing I agreed and off I went to Pinterest to find some idea for converting a shed to a coop. Funny enough the project never followed any of the Pinterest Ideas…lol. We really kinda made it up as we went along. There were many many trips to the local hardware stores.

First up was cleaning out the shed…oy what a chore. We moved in about 9 years ago and there was lots of stuff in there still from the previous owner that we just never got around to cleaning out. Then we got to work converting the back part of the shed to a chicken coop.

Scroll to the bottom for a walkthrough video.


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We insulted the corner walls and covered them with some 1/4″ wood panels that my mom had in her garage… it was actually left over from our backyard wedding 🙂

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I added some tile to the floor so that clean out would be easier.. for fun I made it checkered.

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Start of the outside run. The size is 8′ x 10′.

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Just had to include this photo, my son was out in the drizzle hanging with the chicks, so cute!

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Below is Camilla, she is the Easter Egger breed.

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The shed was a little dark when the doors were closed so we added in a window, this will also allow more airflow in the summer. We were lucky enough to find a window for free.

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I also added some solar lights on the top of the run for fun.

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Where did I get everything:

  • steel worm bucket – Michaels and then I added vinyl
  • Contact paper – Amazon, note this is very thin so I would use it on anything that gets alot of touch
  • Metal Feed Bucket – Farm and Fleet
  • glass jars – hand me downs from my sister
  • Grace Box – Hobby Lobby
  • Thieves Cleaner and sanitizer
  • Fresh Eggs sign – Amazon
  • Hemp Bedding – Amazon

Check out the video below with a tour.

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Jen P

Hi! I'm Jen, and I love teaching others how to live a toxic-free life. It's time to ditch those chemicals and get back to better wellness.

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