I have been obsessed lately with my Erin Condren Life Planner! I purchased mine last year around February and didn’t use it much until I saw a few blog posts and youtube videos on how others use theirs. Well, now I have been using it to write down ideas for blog posts, for keeping all my Wildtree parties organized, planning out meals and well just having lots of fun with stickers and colored pens. In the past, I was an avid believer that everything had to be electronic and synced, but lately, it just feels better to physically write down ideas. Now don’t get me wrong all my appointments still get put in my ical but now all my blog post organizing, random ideas, and doodles go in my planner.
I’m determined to get better organized for 2016 and I believe this new way of planning will help along with that. New this year to the line up is a planner with hourly spaces, I’m very excited about this. I think it’s really going to help me divide my time up to be able to get projects I have been wanting to do. There are so many things I have been wanting to do ‘when I had the time’, so now I am going to start planning the time to do those! These planners are also fun since they are customizable. I ordered mine with my name and blog name on it (see photo above). The cover is changeable so I can order a new one for the holidays and even use the one from this year on next years.
I have also found there are many places (besides the Erin Condren site) to get stickers and accessories that are made to fit this planner. Here are a few that I have/will be ordered from:
- One Orange Snowflake
- Addie & Allie
- Sweet Ava’s Paper
- Krissyanne Designs
Some great bloggers I came across with different ways to use your planner
- Jen Plans (great name!)
- Organized Jen (another blog with a great name)
- Paper and Glam
- Pretty Neat Living – great post on how she uses the planner – and it’s another Jen!
The other really cool thing is that this company was started by a mom. So happy to see it grow so much from when they first started.
Get $10 off your first order
Use this link and get $10 off your first Erin Condren order
To find out more about the planners check out this video:
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/Qp0EB3JYUxM”]
Erin Condren Gift Card Giveaway
I want to share this joy so I am giving away a $25 Erin Condren gift card, it’s going to be a quick giveaway so don’t delay and get entered today!
Note: I have not been paid to create this post and I purchased the gift card with my own money. I am sharing this because I love mine so much. The link for the coupon will also give me $10 when you purchase something, but I am sharing it so you can save $10. It’s a win win for both of us!

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I try and take the time to label and sort daily. Scanning important documents has helped too!
I have to get a scanner! It’s another one of those things that I have put on my ‘gotta do’ list 🙂
I make time to get and keep organized because without it I would be a mess!
I am not terribly organized. heh Of course, I don’t do much so that helps tremendously… I think I could benefit from being more organized, though.
I stay organized by using a to do list app on my iphone and keeping the amount of stuff I own to a minimum
List, list and list…all over; need to put them in one place!
I love making to-do lists to keep me organized!
Honestly I am just starting to try to learn how to get organized. Depression took a lot out of me. It still does…
Put things back where you got it from, everything has its place.
I have a menu plan that I do weekly.
I’m starting to really try and do meal plans each week…it helps so much! And so much less stress at dinner!
I am forever making to do lists and writing on sticky notes.
I need to get organized. I try to keep everything in bins.
i am terrible at being organied ,im learnign to be better at realistic to do lists
Learned in 2015 that an electronic system did not work for me so going back to a paper system where I write things down. Then I have somewhere to put all my post-it notes.
I make a lot of lists. Whether I read the list after I write it is another thing entirely but it helps me to write it out.
I try to have a bullet list of things I need to do a certain day.
The way I stay organized is list taking,notes on my board and trying to keep things simple and keep track if I can. I take a lot of notes in my notebook for the week at a time.
I use an Erin Condren planner to stay organized! I have dubbed it my “brain book” because without it I’d be lost.
I use digital tools on my computer to stay organized.
for each class i have a different notebvook, and keep veverything for each class together
i am not very organized ever, sticky notes are my life savers but I would definitely like to try a nice organizer book to see if I could improve on my bad habits.
i use a planner to stay organized.
great gift and awesome talent, thank you!!!
I have been decluttering and finally getting rid of things I no longer need.
I use labels a lot
nothing at the moment! lol
running my own business, being on pta, and managing my kids, I run off 3 different dayrunners of check and rechecks. If I loose a single one I am toast. Each sunday I get out all 3 and make sure everything is on each one.
I like to do a To Do List.
I don’t really do anything to stay organized. I need to start too.
I have a calendar for my stuff, like bills, birthdays, etc. I keep a dry erase board on the fridge for the kids’ stuff.
I try to go through my bills and paperwork at least once a month to stay organized.
This is awesome!
I stay organized with “to do” lists, storage-solutions. I make lables and file folders for pretty much everything. Keeping items in thier respective places is very important…put it back where you got it! Haha..
Being organised and having a “plan”, helps to keep focused on tasks at hand and in better control of my time.
Thank you for this really cool giveaway!
I plan out my weeks every Sunday
My besthoughts attempts at staying organized are using my cell phone memo and post it notes… not so good. 🙂
I make lots of lists to stay organized.
I definitely make lots of lists and keep everything written down on my calendar.
I do not do anything at the moment. I have just decided it is time to become more organized and need all the help I can get to do so.
I don’t do much to stay organized. I have terrible organizational skills.
I don’t which is why I need this!
I have trouble with this. Every time I clean something my family makes a mess.
I keep a calendar in my phone with different alerts, but it rarely works, so I’d rather have a physical planner
I like to use items I enjoy looking at and pens I enjoy writing with.
Having fun and enjoying it is HUGE.
This will help keep organize family,school,and my business