DIY Fairy Garden Terrarium

So about this time of year the Chicago winters get to me and I am SOOO ready for spring and garden season! So one Saturday my daughter and I decided to make our own terrarium.

I found this really cool terrarium at Hobby Lobby and used a 40% off coupon. The only trouble with the piece was that it didn’t have a plastic or medal base so I made one out of some hot glue and plexus glass. This is to keep the water from going everywhere.


For the rocks, dirt and moss I ended up buying a terrarium kit from Amazon. This was a nice all in one package.



The plants I bought at a local nursery and the decorations came from a few different places. Currently Michaels has a whole isle of Fairy Garden items.



It was so nice to get to spend some time with my pre-teen and to get some spring greenery in the house!


Jen P

Hi! I'm Jen, and I love teaching others how to live a toxic-free life. It's time to ditch those chemicals and get back to better wellness.

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