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DIY eye serum for dark circles and wrinkles | eye serum with essential oils

You are not going to believe how quick and easy it is to make this DIY eye serum, not to mention the cost savings! What you need: Rosehip Jamaican Black Castor 5 drops Lavender 5 drops Frankincense 5 drops Copaiba 3 drops Lemon Use a 15ml dropper bottle, fill with essential oils. Then fill the…

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5 health benefits of drinking from a copper pitcher or vessel

Ever wonder about the benefits of drinking water from a copper pitcher? We all need copper, and sadly, the typical American diet is very low in copper, and even supplements don’t have much copper in them. There are so many great benefits to getting copper into your diet. Here are 5 of them. Note: You…

gluten free waffles

Gluten Free Waffles made with Banana Flour

A while back I saw an ad posted on Facebook for a Kickstarter for a new company called WEDO, they were making banana flour. Yeah I never had heard of banana flour either. I thought it looked interesting enough so I signed up to help and in return, I received some flour and a reusable…


The Gluten Free Expo is coming! Nourished Festival Schaumburg 2019

The Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expos are now called Nourished Festivals. In addition to our Gluten-Free & Nut-Free sections, they are adding Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based zones. Even in these new sections, all products at the Festival are still gluten-free! Every year I look forward to this festival because I always discover great products!…


Homemade Peanut Butter Cups | Gluten Free, Dairy Free

Who doesn’t love Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups? But well are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups gluten-free? That is a good question, after a search on the interwebs I have seen a few yes’s and a few no’s. On Reese’s website, it says see package. The few packages I have seen do say they are, but they…


Themed Alice in Wonderland Wine Party Ideas – So Easy!

I recently became a Scout and Cellar wine consultant (check out what this is all about here) and I wanted to throw an Alice in Wonderland-themed wine tasting party. Below are just a few of the ideas I did. I kept it simple but fun. To dress up the wine glasses I made these Alice…


Tips for Traveling with Essential Oils

I just took a trip to New Orleans and so I had everything fresh in my mind I thought I would run down what essential oils and supplements I take with me when I am traveling.   Transcript from video: Yes, I do bring my big case like this, and I check my luggage. I…


Young Living Membership Giveaway

Who wants a Young Living Premium Starter Kit?? Young Living just came out with a brand new starter kit and I have one of the 2018 versions so I thought what better than to bless one of my readers with a kit and a membership! I LOVE my oils and am so happy to be…

roller ball youtube thumbnail

How to Make Essential Oil Roller Recipes – recipes include for seasonal support and more!

New to oils or have you been hearing about roller balls and just haven’t figured out what they are? Well, this video is for you! See how easy and fun they are to make and be sure to scroll all the way down to grab a free PDF full of recipes.   Supplies I used:…

Young living starter kit coupon

Young Living Starter Kit Coupon

Well if you are here it means you are a very frugal individual looking to get into Young Living Essential Oils (YAY!). Well, I have some good news and bad news for you. Well bad news, there hasn’t been an official Young Living Starter kit coupon voucher in the last 4 years. The good news is, I…