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Easy Italian Sausage and Pepper Pasta

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  • Author: At Home With Jen


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  • Ground Italian Sauage
  • 1 Green Pepper
  • 1/2 Onion
  • Handful of Broccoli
  • 2 tbsp Wildtree Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil
  • 1 tsp Wildtree Garlic Galore Seasoning
  • 1 tso Wildtree Red Bell Pepper and Garlic Seasoning
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 small tomato chopped
  • 1 cup shredded asiago cheese
  • Pasta (Gluten Free for me!)
  • Fresh Basil (optional)


  1. Start the water for the pasta in a pan
  2. Cook and crumb the sausage in a large skillet, once browned put on a plate or bowl.
  3. Put pasta into boiling water and cook as directed
  4. Meanwhile add the Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil to the pan along with the green pepper and onion. Simmer until the onion is soft then add Broccoli.
  5. Continue to cook until the pasta is done.
  6. When pasta is finished add to pan along with Garlic Galore and Red Bell Pepper seasoning. Also, add in pepper and cheese. Mix well, if it’s too sticky add in a little pasta water.
  7. Serve with a garnish of basil (optional)
  • Category: dinner
  • Cuisine: American Italian